You have lots of good designs on there! I don't think my personal website is up. I can't remember my godaddy password to renew. can't log into my tumblr either. sister-morphinealyssa wrote:I'm a freelance graphic designer.
Unfortunately my portfolio website is still under construction, but I've got a tumblr.
I also used to do a bunch of pencil portraits but that was way back when haha. That never got me paid like design did.
see, i knew it one of my freelance artists has or at least had a vibe too.Blanco_Diablo wrote:Graphic designer here... we used to have a larger crew a few years ago, not sure how many of them are still active on the site though.
That's awesome Mr. Davis! I spent all of 8th grade art class in my own cubicle behind the teachers desk copying one of Monet's water lily paintings. You have some vert nice portrait drawings!treesleavedents wrote:I'm an art teacher in a K-8 school with a background in sculpture, photography, and some graphic design (mainly visual hierarchy and sequencing related to collegiate level presentation posters).
right? but i was one of those kids that hated putting art in a box. i always did my own thing and this teacher realized that. i'm an artist, the the last formal art class i took was in 8th grade!!!treesleavedents wrote:Thanks! And I sure hope I get some kids like you throughout the year, right now I'm introducing my 6-8th graders to the basics of visual hierarchy and having them use repetition and contrast to create posters. Some of em kind of like it but some it's like pulling teeth. Heaven forbid I should teach them something that they can make a living doing rather than giving them some crayons and letting them just play...