2010 AWD Rear Knuckle Bushings Unable to Find

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2010 AWD Rear Knuckle Bushings Unable to Find

Post by matman30 »

So I got play in my rear knucke bushings. Heres a vid:

After some digging, I found out they do not sell the bushings, you have to buy the entire knuckle.
However, the knuckle is discontinued, which is odd because the knuckle for the previous generation AWD is still available. But 2nd gen AWD knuckle is discontinued.

Aftermarket bushings are available for the first generation but I am finding nothing for the 2nd gen AWD.

So, what exactly do I do here? I can't buy the bushing or the knuckle, and I do not want this play in my wheel.
I would like to get an alignment soon but that is going to wait until I figure this out.

Any ideas?
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