Radiator fan seems to work in reverse

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Radiator fan seems to work in reverse

Post by Ginko »

I have a 2009 pontiac vibe 1.8L that broke down about a year ago. I've been working on it, swapped a lot of stuff, and finally fixed the starter issue so it's sellable. But, now I have a new problem that cropped up about a year ago: The radiator fan only works when the car is off. Found this out when I came back from a trip and the battery was dead. I charged it, put it back in, and the radiator fan turned on full blast. The moment I turn the car on, the fan turns off, and wont turn on even when I've gotten the engine to 200F. I've fixed the original issue and got the car running, but I can't figure this one out. I've swapped the fan relay, the radiator fan relay control module, still nothin. Anyone had a similar issue?
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