Miguelpyroman- 2004 vibe base - starts then stalls 45-60 seconds later

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Miguelpyroman- 2004 vibe base - starts then stalls 45-60 seconds later

Post by Miguelpyroman »

So I have an 04 vibe auto. Fwd. 258,000 kms (Canadian! lol)
Starts consistently. But then stalls after 45-60 seconds regardless of how much gas I give it. Can just let it run and it will stall, or give it gas and still stalls. Check engine light come on. Ignition coil A,B,C and you guessed it….D
I’ve replaced all 4 (and even took one back and got it replaced.
I’ve replaced the throttle body position sensor, the cam shaft sensor. Swapped out the PCM.
Any thoughts or suggestions??? Thanks 😊
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Re: Miguelpyroman- 2004 vibe base - starts then stalls 45-60 seconds later

Post by VibeNation2024 »

I didn't see this post and it might get more views/responses if it were in the problems/maintenance section. Either way, I have a 2007 and 2008 so cannot provide first hand expirience but fuel system, air intake or ignition system jump to the top of the list. To help narrow it down, have you read the check engine light code? Also, did this just start our of the blue, after some event such as a long road trip, some maintenance work, refueling, etc? Does it start once the temperature outside changed? Also, when it stalls, does it sputter out or just completely die like if you were to turn the key off?

I see there is a similiar post about a Vibe stalling but it was for a manual transmission. It might have some relevant troubleshooting steps: viewtopic.php?t=52

Reply to the questions above and we can try to help where we can!
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