My Super charger install with pictures

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My Super charger install with pictures

Post by B14CK_H4WK »

I just installed the TRD super charger on my 04 Vibe. I wanted to share some photos with you guys during the install.

So How did I install this supercharger in my car?
  1. So here is the part list since my super charger didn't come with everything I needed. The original part numbers for these super chargers are below

    2003 Matrix Auto 00602-17620-105
    2003 Matrix Manual 00602-17620-106
    2003 Corolla Auto 00602-17620-107
    2003 Corolla Manual 00602-17620-108
    2004 Matrix Auto 00602-17620-109
    2004 Matrix Manual 00602-17620-111
    2004 Corolla Auto 00602-17620-114
    2004 Corolla Manual 00602-17620-115
  2. First of the super charger I have, is the TRD one for a 03-04 matrix/corolla. It is technically a Magnuson Eaton-Roots MP45 SuperCharger
  3. I got my self 4oz of ac delco supercharger oil
  4. Super Charger Belt size is the following Stock s/c belt size: 27/32" x 85" 6 Rib.
  5. The belt is Dayco part number 5060850 Serpentine Belt
  6. I had to find the intake manifold gasket for the super charger since its different then the stock one. The one you need is from a old corolla and can still be purchased from Toyota PART NUMBER - 17171-0D010
  7. I had to get a Banjo Bolt and washers and the Y fuel line as well since mine did not come with it
  8. The Bolt and washer are both from a Toyota tundra and can also be purchased from Toyota. The part numbers for the bolt and washers are
    Banjo Bolt PART NUMBER - 90401-12097
    Washers PART NUMBER - 90430-12005
  9. I had to purchase a working Thermostat as well with a lower temperature. You can get either of the following below from Monkey Wrench Racing
    TRD 160F Thermostat PART NUMBER - TRD-106160
    TRD 170F Thermostat PART NUMBER - TRD-106170
  10. If your super charger needs a rebuild you can purchase a rebuild kit from Jon Bond Performance ... ucts_id=64
    or you can pay someone to rebuild the super charger here ... 3-2004.htm
    PSE SuperChargers
So I'm going to assume that you have the install guide for the super charger so I'm just going to post general photos and show the parts that were a problem since that's the only photos I have also.

So the first thing that I did was route the TRD harness through the firewall as shown below

So you have to tap into the ECU Power on for the TRD piggy back power. The photo shows E6 unplugged. I believe that I labelled it wrong though, I believe that is actually E4 of the ECU. (I was upside down when looking at the ECU :( )

So on the 03-04 its the bottom left pin is the Power on cable. You should always volt test to make sure everything is working before taping/ soldering. You can see I already cut the cable and soldered the TRD Piggy back onto the stock ECU

You should unplug upper two connections because the ECU cable are tapped to them and it will make installing the Piggy back adapter easier with them unplugged.

these are the two cable you can unplug
This is what it looks like with them unplugged for the time being

Go ahead and plug in the Piggy back adapter like below. Then i would plug the two cable up top back in once these are fully installed on the adapter

Then go ahead and plug the harness into the Piggy back like below. I would make sure the car still starts up. (it will run rich so just shut it off once it starts)

Next thing i did was because the super charger is not brand new, i need to make sure it doesn't need a rebuild already

Just check the pulley for any play. Also when spinning the pulley it should engage the blowers inside instantly if you look through the throttle body opening you will see them moving. It shouldn't be lose at all. I also hooked a drill to the end bolt and spun it up to make sure the bearings sounded ok
Here is the part number of the pulley. The stock pulley is a 2.4
Next thing i did was buy 4oz of super charger oil
I first dumped all the old oil out via the hex nut on the side with the pulley and just flipped it over into a oil pan until it all drained out.
I then just put a funnel in the hole and poured 4 oz in the super charger. 4oz will not fill it to the top but 4oz is all you need nothing more.

I replaced all the hoses because the old ones were cracked. The hoses are for the solenoid to control the PSI and also the surge valve from what i understand.
close up of the hoses

Next thing i did was remove the adapter on the super charger for the 5th injector just to make sure it was in good condition

Here is the 5th injector. The bottom ended up looking fine. You can test injectors by applying voltage to them with carb cleaning but i choose not too because im not 100% what the voltage was, (I assume 12v but again not 100%) So i just did a visual inspection

So then we re install the 5th injector and install the y fuel line (this can be easier if you do this step while its off the car versus on the car already)
You may need to get these parts or make a y fuel line. I have some parts listed above This is what the banjo bolt looks like which connects near the 5th injector

Here is another angle of the y fuel line with the banjo bolt installed. note the washer on top and under

skipping ahead a little bit assuming you know how to take off the vacuum lines from the intake and the throttle body.

Next you will need to take out your alternator if you are planning on replacing it during the SC install or want to replace the thermostat from the top.
First take off the belt by pulling on the tensioner. You should unplug your battery before taking out the Alternator


Just encase you didnt listen and you left your battery plugged in and blew the alternator fuse. Its this fuse you need to replace.

Next we need to install the extra pulley

Once its installed it should look like this

Next go ahead and put the intake manifold gasket on your engine. The gasket is below

Next go ahead and start putting the bolts back into the block to hold the super charger in place. The one on the left is tricky
This is the secret to get the left bolt on tight

Now you should be putting on the vacuum lines back on the super charger. Like shown below

the final result should look like this
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Re: My Super charger install with pictures

Post by ImUrOBGYN »

Very nice, man. Since I'm not able to afford to slap a supercharger or turbo on my 2zz, this build thread is the next best thing available to me!
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Re: My Super charger install with pictures

Post by Salsa Guy »

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Re: My Super charger install with pictures

Post by tpollauf »

Awesome and very informative! Another reason this site "Rocks" ;)
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Re: My Super charger install with pictures

Post by B14CK_H4WK »

I forgot to mention in this post that you should run hotter spark plugs. The one below is the plug that I run

NGK BKR7EIX Iridium Spark Plug
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Re: My Super charger install with pictures

Post by trb »

Good job! If my son every gets a better job, I'm sure he would like to put one on his 06. I'll have to do the install, of course.
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Re: My Super charger install with pictures

Post by Pcktrckt »


Do you have the part number for the extra pulley behind the alternator? I too have an incomplete kit, but plan to run an AEM F/IC 6 without 5th injector. I was only able to purchase the blower. Thanks.
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Re: My Super charger install with pictures

Post by ImUrOBGYN »

B14CK_H4WK wrote:I forgot to mention in this post that you should run hotter spark plugs. The one below is the plug that I run

NGK BKR7EIX Iridium Spark Plug
Don't you mean colder? I don't recall the heat range of your stock plugs, but you should be going with a colder plug, not hotter. Hotter plugs plus more hp equals knock/pre-ignition.
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Re: My Super charger install with pictures

Post by countryfarmboy »

I just picked up a 2003 Vibe with the supercharger and noticed there is a wire that splices into an injector wire and runs towards the airbox and it's disconnected. Any idea where this goes? Also are the installation documents available anywhere? Thanks!
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Re: My Super charger install with pictures

Post by SeattleJeremy »

countryfarmboy wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 2:17 pm I just picked up a 2003 Vibe with the supercharger and noticed there is a wire that splices into an injector wire and runs towards the airbox and it's disconnected. Any idea where this goes? Also are the installation documents available anywhere? Thanks!
I'd guess that's for the 5th Injector. It is mentioned above.
This is the hack TRD/GM performance used to get around installing larger injectors.
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