Report post default options

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Report post default options

Post by joatmon »

In the post reporting page, the first field is a selection list for the reason for reporting the post. The default reason is "The message contains links to illegal or pirated software", and the second option in the drop down is , "The reported message has the only purpose to advertise for a website or another product."

The second field is "Notify me: Informs you when your report is dealt with." and by default "Yes" is selected

I assume since we're all pretty well behaved here these days, the most common reason to report a post is the frequent spam posts. I know I report a bunch of them, somebody else does also. Today there were six new ones.

I know its a token thing, (the avatar issue would be higher priority) but it would be nice if the default reason was the second one, which is more applicable for spam. Also, since I don't need a notification that spam has been dealt with (obvious by its absence) might be better to have the default Inform me action was "No" Would save a few mouse clicks when reporting spam, not a big deal for one offs, but tedious when slammed with a block of them

As I said, this is a pretty token thing, but thought I'd mention it
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Re: Report post default options

Post by SlammedNiss »

I report quite a few of them too. I never pay much attention to whatever the default choice in the menu is, I just simply type "Spam account" into the box.
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