Hi and welcome to the GenVibe For Sale/Wanted forum! This forum is provided as a service to members of our community who wish to buy, sell, or trade parts and other merchandise. For the protection of our members and to preserve the integrity of the community, we have set forth the following guidelines.In order to sell anything via GenVibe, we ask that you first have at least 40 substantial posts and have been a member of the community for at least three (3) months. Global moderators and the admin staff reserve the right to remove any For Sale post at any time if the seller has not yet met those two milestones or is determined otherwise to be a risky seller (i.e. past problems with sales, someone discovered to have been a dishonest seller on another forum, etc.).This forum is intended to be a marketplace for members of our community to buy and sell items among themselves. Commercial sellers who wish to offer items to the GenVibe community will need to contact a moderator or administrator prior to making a sales post to discuss the sale and provide references. For the protection of both buyers and sellers here at GenVibe, we only allow the sale of merchandise that is priced at $500 USD or less, including shipping costs. We ask that any items to be sold for more than this amount not be listed on GenVibe. Members who wish to sell items priced higher than $500 USD should contact a moderator to discuss the sale and provide references prior to making a sales post.Members may post "Wanted" threads requesting items without needing to meet the 40 post or 3-month membership requirements, but anyone wishing to sell the items to the interested party must meet the selling requirements.In buying and selling on this site, it is important to remember that we (the moderators and administrators) do not offer any warranties or guarantees on any items bought or sold via the GVC forum. Buy and sell at your own risk. Members should take all necessary steps to protect themselves when completing transactions initiated on GenVibe.If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to IM a moderator or administrator. In the same vein, if you see any violations of this policy, please report the post to a moderator.Thanks and happy trading!
Bumping this up for new people joining. Also to let all of our existing members know that if you see a post you suspect violates these rules, let one of us know rather than just keep posting it to the thread. With hundreds of threads, it's hard to notice them all.