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Humor Posting Rules

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 1:33 am
by rasermon
1. On this forum you can talk about anything you like that is funny or humorous. But we do not want any personal attack's against the members of this forum. Any members breaking this rule will have there post's deleted and will have to deal with the Administrators.2. We do allow linking to other web sites on this forum. But any links leading to the following sort of sites will be deleted right away. No links to Porn Sites, "how to" posts on illegal subjects and Racist sites. If we find any links to these site then they will be removed. 3. No racist comments or abuse will be tolerated on this site. And this also carries the same penalty as in rule one.4. Do Not post messages with .EXE files, if you have something to share send the URL where the group can view the file.5. NO Nude pictures! Partial nudes are allowed (at the discretion of the moderator), but must have a "Warning Mature content" in the title.6. Any other mature or adult posting must also contain a "Warning Mature content" label in the topic.WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO DELETE, EDIT OR LOCK ANY POST WHICH WE FEEL INAPPROPRIATE AND WITHOUT NOTICE. ANY MEMBER WHO TRIES TO CAUSE PROBLEMS/DISSENT HERE WILL BE BANNED FROM POSTING. If you have a dispute with me or my actions, feel free to contact me via IM or e-mail and we can discuss it.These rules are subject to change.This post was not meant to scare people off. Relax, kick back and have fun.

Re: Humor Posting Rules (rasermon)

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 10:36 pm
by rasermon
Rule No. 7As a general rule, astericks (****) and partial astericks (he**o) are not appropriate for this forum. Please take that into consideration in future postings.You also have to remember that parts of the forum are open to all for reading. This means that younger people will have access to the forum content.Bad language itself is not a necessity, I do understand that it does highlight strongly how somebody feels but you must try to remember who might be reading this.

Re: Humor Posting Rules (rasermon)

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 2:12 pm
by waveresponder
who is the main moderator on this site as I had a thread deleted that was pure sexual humour and based on rules found within this, proper posting was followed yet thread was deleted. Posting involved no nudity or porn, and was properely labeled Mature Content.I am not trying to get into any fights I would just like to warn other members and notify those who are in charge of the site to adjust the posting rules to state that any post if sexual in nature are unwelcome on the site or if needed to correct moderators found to be in error.was also never warned not to repost or told of why post was being deleted, it just happened and am looking to openly discuss this with the moderators but also more importantly the members here on Genvibe as to what they feel is appropriate/inappropriatewould also if can be done like a list of all current or active moderators/administrators on the site

Re: Humor Posting Rules (waveresponder)

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 6:43 pm
by Sputnik
You can see a list of all moderators by going to the search and searching on moderator or administrator, leaving the name field blank.

Re: Humor Posting Rules (rasermon)

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:17 pm
by Kari
Quote, originally posted by rasermon »WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO DELETE, EDIT OR LOCK ANY POST WHICH WE FEEL INAPPROPRIATE AND WITHOUT NOTICE. ANY MEMBER WHO TRIES TO CAUSE PROBLEMS/DISSENT HERE WILL BE BANNED FROM POSTING. This list of rules is not an "end-all, be-all" and many things are still left to moderator discretion.